Friday, 28 October 2011


Had a great night on Wednesday and there were some interesting colour schemes, so everyone got on great apart from me who forgot to bring the plate for the Cuttlebug, so no one could cut out their titles.  Thought you might like to see Harvest again in case you didn't finish it.  This page was inspired by a label that Lin Brown did on her blog and a burning lemon juice technique that Jenny and I had a go at in the Summer.  Keeps you nice and warm this weather having the heat gun on all the while to brown the lemon juice.  I really did like this page.  The picture is of my Mum cira 1929.Have a good weekend.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Now For Some Pics!!

Just a few pics of next class, the acetate and alcohol inks are just so versatile.  I had the original idea from an article in Scrapbook Magazine by Cathy Schellenberg and once I started I couldn't stop.  I have now done four pages and might do some more yet as they are so quick and with the choice of colours you can match them to anything.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Scary Stuff

Well this is all a bit technical for me but my new outlook on life is "I must try harder", lol.  I want to be able to post some of my pages (the ones I am most proud of) and then you will know what I am up to.  I have spent most of this afternoon trying to sort out this blog and how to post so I hope that I have suceeded.  It's full on sunshine outside and I should be up the allotment winter digging, but hey ho that can wait till tomorrow now plus I have a slight hangover from the free wine last night.  Well I'm going to try this and next time I will try and post some photos.